The PURPOSE of this web-page is to share any good ideas, leads or contacts with other Vireo Ridge home owners, to enhance our stay in our community, e.g. you could supply the details of a good handyman, lawn service, bug control device, electricity saving device, product, window cleaning tip, lawn care advice, etc. - anything of value.
è Email your ideas in to add to this web-page.
Let me get the ball rolling…
1. Smiley Papenfus - 15322 Vireoglen Ln: Even my upgraded air-conditioning unit just could not BRING THE TEMPERATURE DOWN IN MY UPSTAIRS BONUS ROOM, with the sun streaming in there every afternoon. Now my bonus room is perfectly cool throughout the afternoon. A combination of 3 things accomplished this…
A. The air-conditioning expert service man adjusted the vents throughout my house to blow the cool air along the top of the ceiling and not down into the room as I had set them - what a big difference it made. In my upstairs bonus room, with an A framed ceiling, the cool air was also set to flow parallel with the ceiling, up to the apex of the roof, and not straight out into the room - try it, you'll be amazed how this helps cool a room down.
B. The expert insulator service man put me in touch with a company called Winsulator, who installed a removable sealed NASA grade clear acrylic interior window on the inside of my existing window, with an air pocket inbetween (much like double glazing up North - only better). This window has been tested to have the highest R energy saving rating of any product. They don't even try to market their product to houses, as they already have a thriving business in commercial buildings, doing 1000's of windows at a time - imagine the humongous energy saving in a glass front high rise building. Well, that's exactly what it did in my upstairs bonus room - made it easy for the air-conditioning unit to cool the room down. I thought it would cost about $1,000 to get this space age window installed, but to my relief it was only a couple of hundred dollars.
C. On the recommendation of my builder, Sabal Homes, I had Radient Barrier heat shield installed on the underside of my roof (between the rafters) throughout my entire attic by a company called Energy Home-Sheild. This product drops the temperature in your attic from about 140° to 110° - a massive 30° drop. I went into my attic with my expert insulator service man who noted how cool my attic was (compared to others he was used to) and said the Radient Barrier heat shield is a brilliant idea - but not cheap to do an entire roof post construction - around $1,800 for a 2,960 SqFt house (living area without Bonus room).
2. Smiley Papenfus - 15322 Vireoglen Ln: I plugged in a product called SonnicWeb to CATCH & KILL MOSQUITOES, NO-SEE-UMS, FLIES etc. It attracts, catches and kills them by the hundreds. Now I can work in my yard without being swarmed by an army of these pests. If every second home in Vireo Ridge had one of these $199 traps, we could near to wipe out these pests in our community.
3. Smiley Papenfus - 15322 Vireoglen Ln: I'm doing my own lawn in my new house because EMPIRE Zoysia lawn prefers the clippings to be bagged, but in my rented home in Valrico, I went through several LAWN SERVICE companies. I very highly recommend the one I'm currently using. He takes great pride in his work (my yard has never looked better in 8 years), plus he's the most reasonably priced - can't beat that. Call Dennis Keck 727-3226.
4. Smiley Papenfus - 15322 Vireoglen Ln: The best thing I ever installed in my pool (in my previous house) was a salt chlorinator. Once you've swam in a SALT CHLORINATED POOL, you'll reluctantly get back into a regular chlorine pool. The salt level is less than the saline in your eyes, meaning you can swim underwater with your eyes open, with absolutely no negative effect - it's wonderful. The water feels so soft and even tastes good. When you get out you have no chlorine smell on you. You don't even need to take a shower - just dry yourself off and you're ready to go. Once the kids in the neighborhood have swam in your pool, they'll want to swim there all the time. All the installer did was to add the salt chlorinator to my existing pool pump - quick and simple. It pays for itself in what you save in no longer having to buy chlorine.
5. Smiley Papenfus - 15322 Vireoglen Ln: Most of our house floor is tiled, which looks great but a job to keep clean. We found the most wonderful zippy FLOOR TILE CLEANER. It's a Shark Professional Portable Steam Cleaner from Target for $99.00. In 30 minutes all the floor tiling is clinically clean. It took a session to get used to using it, but since then it's been a dream.
6. Smiley Papenfus - 15322 Vireoglen Ln: I was being TOTALLY OVERWHELMED WITH MORE AND MORE SPAM EVERYDAY and hated it - I felt my privacy was being unceremoniously invaded. Changing my Email address worked for a while, but then somehow the spam would start up again. For me the solution was so easy (5 minutes and free) - I don't know why I never thought of it before. I simply went to the web-page of my Internet Service Provider (ISP) - 2 in my case as I have 2 Email addresses - Earthlink & DRW Networks (by the way Earthlink high speed internet access is working out far better and cheaper for me than Road Runner/Bright House). With Earthlink I went to their web-site and logged in to my account, and with a few clicks edited my Email options and turned spamBLOCKER 'ON'. It was just as easy with DRW networks. All reputable Internet Service Providers should provide these options today. Now my ISP daily (or weekly - you choose) sends me 1 Email listing all the spam Emails they've blocked - by the heading of each Email listed I can see it's spam. Should there be one Email that is not spam (never happened), you can login to your account and edit it not to block that particular Email address again. Now instead of deleting 20 unwanted Emails a day, I only have 1 to delete. Smiley is now a very happy camper.
7. Smiley Papenfus - 15322 Vireoglen Ln: Are you tired of POP-UP AD'S while surfing the internet? I have a wonderful small FREE program on a floppy disk that takes 1 minute to install - thereafter you'll never see another pop-up ad. Call Smiley @ 813.654.7520. It'll be my pleasure.
8. Smiley Papenfus - 15322 Vireoglen Ln: To understand WHEN AND HOW TO FERTILIZE and what the 3 varying numbers on every fertilizer bag mean, click on this è EMPIRE Zoysia lawn link and PageDn to near the bottom of the page for a clear explanation.
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