God's Word is "Spirit and it is life" (John 6:63). Therefore, to get the full benefit from a S.T. we need to spend time in prayer, tuning our spirits into Heaven. The best time to have a H.H. is when Jesus did - early in the morning (Mark 1:35). We must not only give God the first fruits of our finances, but also the first and best part of our time, when we are most alert - before our minds get clogged up with the busyness of the day.
1a. Make sure there is no broken fellowship between you and your heavenly Father. If there is do 1 John 1:9. See also Psa 32:5 & Prov 28:13.
1b. Spend some time in prayer. Those who have received their Heavenly Prayer Language need to diligently practice "praying in the spirit and praying with the mind also." 1 Cor 14:2,4,14-15,18.
1c. Spend some time in praise and worship. This entails thanking God for who He is and what He's done for you. "Singing with the spirit and singing with the mind also" (1 Cor 14:15) adds a powerful dimension to your ability to worship God adequately. Build a vocabulary of praise, by using the Psalms to praise Him (see Psa 95:2 - NAS). How? In your daily reading of the Psalms, look for every expression of 'praise' and highlight each one in dark blue. Having identified these verses, daily read several of them out aloud as heartfelt expressions of your praise and worship to God.
Point 1 should take between 40-60 minutes.
2a. Before you read the Word, pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation, using the prayers found in Eph 1:15-19; Eph 3:14-21 & Col 1:9-14, inserting your name in to personalize the prayers. Diligently doing this will open the "eyes of your understanding" to discover a wealth of Bible treasure like never before.
2b. Because "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God", it is beneficial to read audibly, or follow along on your computer screen as HeavenWord reads the Bible to you. Go to www.LaymansTraining.com/heavenword.html on the internet, to discover the many powerful features of this amazing software, and how it'll saturate your spirit in the truth of God's Holy Word. By hearing and seeing the Word in this way, you will definitely absorb more truth.
2c. Read your Bible sitting at a desk. Before you start reading, make sure you have all the necessary study aids. You need a pen, ruler, coloring in pencils, tissues, a modern translation (e.g. NAS, NIV, J.B. Phillips), Strong's exhaustive concordance & Hebrew/Greek dictionary, a dictionary and a S.T. note book. Use a good Study Bible that has expository notes at the foot of each page. Study Bibles also introduce each book of the Bible, giving you the time of writing and historical background, which is of utmost importance for a clear understanding of the Scriptures.
2d. PC Study Bible is a gold mine of study aids - all just a click away. It has 10 Bibles easily read side by side, 14 powerful study tools and a treasure chest of 13 complete reference works. Go to www.LaymansTraining.com/pc_study_bible.html on the internet, to see the list of all it contains. Also, read about its two amazing programming features that makes it unrivaled for Bible study and research.