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| Product | Sowing | Through the Bible/365 | Bible Study & Ministry Aids | Itinerary | Hot Links | Freeware | www | SAfrica |

Laymans Tape Order Page ~ ~ Pre-Paid Legal

Click on this è link to download this course

This is a powerful, life changing, foundational course to ground your new converts in the Word of God and give all new members the vision of your church, and an opportunity to become members.  It's to make sure all new converts have assurance of their salvation, are baptized in water, filled with the Holy Spirit, become true Bible worshippers and faithful tithers.  It is a MUST for all new members, irrespective of how long they've been saved.  By them doing this course, they're showing their willingness to submit and flow with your vision.  They'll also be surprised how much they'll enjoy and learn from this powerful introductory course.

1. Your rich inheritance as a member of Heaven's family - Part 1
To bring "Assurance of Salvation".
To have faith in God's love, grace and forgiveness.
To be introduced to the difference between "Righteousness and Holiness".

2. Your rich inheritance as a member of Heaven's family - Part 2
To give the Word of God first place in your life.
To form good Christian disciplines of Prayer, Bible reading, Fellowshipping with the saints, being a Witness for Christ.
To know your Sonship and Heirship.

3. Water Baptism by Immersion
To fully understand the subject of Water Baptism, including its spiritual significance.
To be given the opportunity to be baptized.

4. How to receive and yield to the power of the Holy Spirit in your life
To understand who the Holy Spirit is.
To be filled with the Holy Spirit.
To receive your Heavenly prayer language.

5. How to praise and worship God in spirit and in truth
To get the revelation of the power of praise and worship.
To pattern our worship after heaven's example.
To understand true worship in the Spirit.

6. God is interested in your financial success - Part 1
To get every Christian to understand their responsibility in Stewardship.
To get a revelation of the law of sowing and reaping.
To understand tithing and become a tither in your local church.

7. God is interested in your financial success - Part 2
To get a revelation of the benefits of sowing.
To have a good attitude about sowing.
To know how to believe for a return on your giving.

8. Discovering God's local church for me
To get most course attendee's to understand the value of being a member of their local church.
To understand the Great Commission.

Laymans Tape Order Page ~ ~ Pre-Paid Legal

| HOME | Welcome | Download | The Rev | H1 cgs | H2 abs | H3 fom | H4 pfd | H5 phs | H5a ghs | H6 hvg | H7 psr |
| H7a prh | H8 mmf | H9 kfs | H10 ksl | H11 dhk | H12 ppw | H13 ady | H14 cmf | H15 jbc | H16 cta | H17 mbc | H18 slt |
| Product | Sowing | Through the Bible/365 | Bible Study & Ministry Aids | Itinerary | Hot Links | Freeware | www | SAfrica |

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