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In 1972 Rev. Smiley T. Papenfus was privileged to be 'born again' in one of our nations foremost churches, at the height of the Charismatic revival that swept through South Africa.  Over the next 8 years, at our Church's camp ground, he had several life changing 'Burning Bush' divine encounters with the Holy Spirit.  With the 'Hand of God' supernaturally resting on his life, he answered the call into full-time ministry...
1981 he worked as an associate Pastor with Dr. Fred Roberts at Durban Christian Centre, South Africa for 5 years.  Over this period the church grew from 400 to 4,000 members.
1986 he worked with Pastor Theo Wolmarans at Family Harvest Church, Johannesburg, South Africa.  Here his main function was to pioneer the Layman's School of Training, to equip and mobilize the laity to do the work of the ministry.  The primary objective was to develop a strategy to bring new converts to a place of spiritual maturity, in the shortest possible time, equipping them to be able to reproduce themselves many times over.  Why?  Because the highest goal of the church is to obey Jesus, to fulfill His commission, to make disciples who are Fishers and Keepers of Men.  The ultimate test that measures how well each local church is accomplishing this is, "How many spiritual grandchildren are we birthing?"  The birthing of spiritual grandchildren reveals that our spiritual children are properly discipled to win souls.  So, starting out small and slow, but with great persistence, the school eventually grew to over 5,000 registered students - 1,000 of whom had graduated to become the pillars of the church, (i) Praying in the Harvest, (ii) Evangelizing the Harvest, and (iii) Shepherding the Harvest.  These 1,000 active laymen caused the church to grow from 3,500 to 10,000 members over a 9 year period.  We discovered that for every fully trained spiritual leader ministering within a sound biblical church structure of mended nets, 10 souls were added to the church - just like Jesus, who trained 12 and had 120 in the upper room.  Our primary objective of birthing spiritual grandchildren had been abundantly realized.
1995 Smiley and his wife Marlene, answered God's clear call to come to North America as traveling missionaries, to multiply this powerful 'Church Growth' vision from one church in Johannesburg, into 100's of churches across this great land (and into the world through our web-site), which they have since been faithfully and diligently committed to.  The strongest anointing on Smiley's life is to transform pew sitters into soldiers of the cross.
Smiley's diverse background has equipped him with a multi-pronged ministry to the local church (no cost was spared in his training - that's why he has the very best training to offer the church)...

Prayer Revival for the Harvest - that has greatly increased the power and participation of prayer in every church it has been taught.  The greatest single service I ever attended, since receiving Christ as my Savior in 1972, was a 2 hour prayer meeting with 100,000 Christians in Seoul, Korea.  The anointing and power of this meeting is captured on video.  A picture is worth far more than a 1,000 words.  The powerful prayer anointing on Bro. Cho's church is transferred to every congregation that watches it, is taught the revelation of intercession through this life changing course and participates in the nightly intercession and laying on of hands after each service.  In most churches I've been to, the power of prayer, has increased about 10 fold.  Unless we first get the revelation of praying in the harvest we will never see the harvest.

Fishers of Men Evangelism Training - that initially launched 5 soul winning teams, which multiplied into over 100 well trained 'combine harvesting' teams in our church in South Africa.  A church whose members haven't been trained, (not just taught), how to win souls is like an army without boots (gospel shoes - Eph 6:15) - useless and ineffective against the enemy - and whose walk will never be right.  Every member who completes this training will graduate with a PhD - a 'Populating Heaven Degree'.  We are activating many churches into this ministry over a Sunday am & pm service and then leaving behind a set of 12 Fishers of Men training video's and notes to equip the first pilot class.  On the Sunday pm service I do a roll play of a full 45 minute gospel presentation, which challenges every evangelistically motivated Christian to enlist.

Biblical People Skills Training - because the church will never grow while its well meaning leaders inadvertently keep offending God's sheep.  These 30 Bible principles and memory pegs will thoroughly equip your members to skillfully lead God's sheep with love, respect, wisdom and tact.  One successful Pastor said this was of the best practical training he'd heard in his 16 years of full-time ministry, and that every church in N. America somehow had to be exposed to it.  The last 9 of these 30 principles fall under the category, "How to solve a problem without causing offence or arousing resentment".  If the leadership knew how to do just this, many of our key members, who were lost over some hurt and offence, would still be building with us today.  Sadly, it takes years to retrain new members to fill their shoes.

Add100 Cell Structure - is by far the most exciting Church Growth concept I've seen since being involved in full time ministry in 1981.  All these years, our goal has been to bring the new convert to a place of spiritual maturity as quickly as possible, equipping him to become a reproducing member of the local church.  The 'Add100' Cell Structure does this better than any other Evangelism/Discipleship program I've ever been involved in.  I believe the best measure of a successful church is how many spiritual grandchildren is the ministry producing.  The 'Add100' Cell Structure does this so effectively.  I would love to come to your church to teach something like the Biblical People Skills course, and at the same time present this concept privately to the pastor and his leadership, for their prayerful consideration, and to answer any questions they may have.  For those churches who're interested in cells, an good alternative is the Prayer Friend caring program.

Management by Measurement Seminar - it is impossible to manage that which you have not first accurately measured.  Many churches have been walking around the same mountain in the wilderness for several years - making little progress.  This has been one the most sought after and recommended courses by Pastors and their leaders…
"This course was everything you said it would be and much much more" - Pastor Dale Armstong, Titusville, PA
"With all the people God has sent us, our church should easily be 3 to 4 thousand strong.  This course has given me a clear understanding why we've stagnated on 1,000 members" - Pastor Bray Sibley, Hammond, LA
"Of all the Management Training I have ever done, this was the very best" - Rev. Tony Foster, Baker, LA
"I've greatly benefited from John Maxwell's leadership training, but this was very different - this put into my hands powerful practical tools to effectively manage every department in my church, keeping us all focussed on our common God given goal" - Pastor David York, Paris, KY
"This is what I should have been taught in Bible College 30 years ago.  How much better things could have been if we'd been equipped with simple usable management tools like this" - Apostle Ed Bledsoe, overseer of 40+ churches, LA
Also see Pastors Testimonies.
I concur with all the above - this was of the very best practical training I ever received as a Christian - and developed into this essential leadership Bible course.  I once read a book titled, "31 Master Secrets they should have taught me in Bible School".  This course would have been #1 on my list of what I should have been taught in Bible School.  Generally speaking Pastors are the worst Managers, trying to run the some of the largest organizations, and not surprisingly spinning their wheels.  This most practical and appliable course will train and equip leaders with the simplest, yet most powerful 3 tools they require to manage any small or large organization.  All the frustration of having more on your daily plate than you can cope with will be removed.  Every head of department in your church will clearly see and be shooting for the same goal, daily spending 80% of their time working on their identified Key Result Areas, and at least meeting their minimum Performance Standards.  Everyone will have resurrected their God given creative ability to discover His divine master plan for their ministry.  Passing up on this training is like winning the Jackpot, but not collecting the prize.

How to Resurrect and Perfect Your Marriage - I grew up in an unstable home with parents whose marriage failed.  When crisis came to my marriage, I responded in the same negative way my father did - so did my wife.  As a Pastor all love was lost - our marriage was a put on.  God taught us how to resurrect our marriage.  Today I'm married to my best friend - we truly ENJOY one another, whereas we used to ENDURE each other.  All who sit under the anointing of this biblical revelation to implement God's fail proof principles will experience this same transformation in their marriage.  One big reason this seminar is so effective is because it's taught as the fruit of my life, not the seed of my life - it has believability - therefore great impact.  Click on the above link to read some powerful marriage revival testimonies.

How to Educate, Train & Develop the Human Spirit seminar will convincingly motivate and show believers exactly how to do the five specific essential daily spiritual exercises, that will speedily develop their spirit man to lead them into discovering and fulfilling God's perfect blueprint for their life and ministry, to find the right marriage partner, the perfect vocation for their gifting - resulting in happiness, fulfillment and financial prosperity.  Every Christian in every church should be privileged to sit under this ministry.

Activating God's Bountiful Blessings - revealing the missing key's that'll activate God's bountiful blessings over one's life and income.  God meant it when He said His blessings would overtake us, but as faithful tithers (which is correct) we were just barely paying our bills.  From the month my wife and I learned and activated these truths, we started living in a realm of blessing we'd never before experienced.  This 2 part series will bring the consistent increase of God's blessings to faithful givers who've been believing and patiently waiting for their harvest to come in.

Preparing for Glory Seminar - the majority of Christians are wasting their lives, making little investment into THEIR ETERNAL FUTURE.  Why are Christians so careless about something this important?  Because they have no motive to change.  This seminar supplies that motivation.  It removes the veil, giving them a clear glimpse of glory and a divine revelation of Heaven's values and eternal reward system - which are totally opposite to every value this world system has our society accepting as normal today.  This reprioritizing of Biblical values creates a strong desire in the hearts of nominal Christians to discover their calling and join the ranks of God's enlisted army - which greatly boosts the harvesting ranks to the building up the Body of Christ.

Resurrecting Pew Warmers to Christian Soldiers - that has activated a high percentage of pew sitters to join in the ranks of God's army.  This revival ends with an anointed recruiting and swearing in service into the army of the Lord in your local church, raising up many new committed soldiers to join the ranks to help their Pastor accomplish the work of the ministry in their city.

The Glorious Church before the coming of Messiah - focussing and setting members into their unique spiritual office of ministry to either Pray in the Harvest, Evangelize the Harvest, or Shepherd the Harvest, that the church may arise to fulfill the great commission and accomplish its God given destiny.  The church is built upon the foundation of the Apostles and the Prophets.  No structure can ever be built higher than the soundness of its foundation.  Till the foundation of many churches is repaired, they will keep struggling to maintain consistent growth.

Powerful Holy Ghost Refreshing Revival - full of the life-changing power of God.  The church needs a refreshing (Acts 3:19) like never before, because dead members don't make good soldiers.  Psa 110:3a says, "Thy people will volunteer freely in the day of Thy power".  This is the day of His power, of the outpouring of His Spirit on all flesh in the last days, to raise up refreshed, willing and focussed soldiers in the army of the Lord.   Those just going through the motions in ministry, are especially good candidates for a fresh touch of God in their lives.

...and Much Much More - see the 18 hole "Layman's School of Training" golf course on the Home Page of this web-site, each hole representing a practical Bible course specifically designed to "Equip the Saints to do the work of the Ministry".  Saints are those who DO the WORK of the ministry.  Many churches have ain'ts, not saints - they ain't doing nothing to extend the 'kingdom of God'.

Click on link è to go to 'Pastoral Testimonies'


Rev. Smiley is a powerful itinerate minister with many years of experience in revival, motivating, equipping and mobilizing the laity.  This ministry desires to team up with churches who have a vision for to reap and keep THE HARVEST.


We obey the Lord and He meets our need.  We go wherever He sends us.  Our desire is to a blessing to the local church.  We simply ask that the congregation be given an opportunity to sow a love offering into our ministry.
Gal 6:6 (NAS) And let the one who is taught the Word share all good things with him who teaches.
Churches being blessed with the training materials on this web-site need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit to sow back into this ministry.  Our ministry, like every other, does not run on 'fresh air'.


My precious wife Marlene & two children Mark & Debbie, are all in love with and faithfully serving our Lord Jesus Christ.


We are accountable to a board of 2 local Pastors who will gladly give reference to our character and integrity:-
Pastor George Brooks, River of Life Church, Lutz, FL - Tel: 813.949.7918
Pastor Rick Wilson, Revival Outreach Center, Dover, FL - Tel: 813.681.2250

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