We now move onto some Advanced Bible Studies. Here there are important subjects that a Christian needs to know in order to grow spiritually and to be able to answer to his faith. Every leader must be well trained, with a sound Biblical foundation. This is what Hole 2 and the other Holes on the Layman's School of Training were designed to accomplish. Every untrained leader you put into an office of ministry will cost you dearly in time to come. You can take that to the bank. It's the Law of the Medes and the Persians. Here they will also learn what it means to be a responsible and committed disciple of Jesus. Most importantly Hole 2 ends off with a motivational gift test, which enables each member to be slotted into their right place of ministry in the Body of Christ, directing them to be trained for their specific gifting and calling, where they'll be most fulfilled and fruitful.
LECTURE TITLES:- 1. The Integrity of the Word Purpose:- To give Christians a revelation of the authenticity and power of the Word, that they might gain a new love, respect and hunger for the Word of God.
2. What to do in your private hour with God each day Purpose:- To give practical help and guidlines on how to effectively study the Bible. To motivate students to diligent, disciplined daily Bible study habits.
3. Creation Purpose:- To understand the Biblical perspective of creation and how it fits in perfectly with modern science. To remove any confusion over evolution. To understand God's divine purposes in creation.
4. The Godhead Purpose:- To understand who God is; His self existence, His infinicy, His eternity, His power, His character, His make up, His dwelling, etc. To understand the trinity.
5. The Ministry of Angels Purpose:- To understand who angels are; their origin, number, nature, ministry, power and purpose. To understand the different types of angles, and different ministries they have. To understand the interaction between angels and men in our lives today.
6. Repentance from Dead Works Purpose:- To understand what sin and its consequence is. To understand what true Bible repentance is. To understand the meaning of repentance; the nature of repentance; the necessity of repentance. To be able to identify true repentance. To understand the direct relationship between repentance and deliverance.
7. Knowing God's Love and Showing it Purpose:- To understand the Power of God's unfailing Love. To understand how to cultivate the Love of God. To understand the relationship between Faith and Love; and how to release God's love towards the unlovely. To understand the relationship between Forgiveness and Walking in Love.
8. What does it mean to be a Disciple of Jesus? - Part 1 Purpose:- To understand what a Disciple is. To understand how a disciple is Trained. To understand the Characteristics of a true disciple. The Price of discipleship. To understand how submission to Authority relates to Discipleship. To understand the consequence of rebellion against authority.
9. What does it mean to be a Disciple of Jesus? - Part 2 Purpose:- To understand when a Christian need not submit to authority. Understanding the spirit of Lawlessness and how to not let it influence me. Understanding God's answer to Lawlessness. Understanding the Churches authority to Discipline the lawless. Understanding a Christians Attitude to discipline. The Christians Response to discipline.
10. What does it mean to be a Disciple of Jesus? - Part 3 Purpose:- Understanding how to recognize the Fruits of true discipleship. What specific fruit a true Christian is to bear. To impart a revelation of the importance of the fruit of Faithfulness. To understand the importance of the Church being Ready for the coming of Jesus. To understand the importance of the Church being busy about the Masters business. To understand the importance of Humility and having a Servants heart. To understand the importance of Following in the footsteps of Jesus today. To understand the importance of counting the cost of being a disciple and never looking back.
11. Discovering your part in God's work - Part 1 & 2 Purpose:- To understand God's purpose in creating you. To understand the analogy between the human body and the body of Christ. To understand what Motivational Gifts are. To be introduced to the 7 Motivational Gifts. To understand the difference between Motivational Gifts, the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the 5-fold ministry gifts. To discover my Motivational Gifts by doing the 63 question Motivational Gift Test.
12. Discovering your part in God's work - Part 3 & 4 Purpose:- To clearly understand the 7 Motivational Gifts in detail, with Bible and practical examples. To understand my Motivational Gifts and where I best fit into the Body of Christ. To specifically understand what ministries I would best be suited for in my church. To motivate the students to continue on the Layman's to be trained for their particular ministry. To motivate the students to do Hole 3, the Fisher's of Men course, that all might know how to lead souls to Christ.