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Please è Email your favorite web-site/s to add to the above é list - and your suggestions for this web-page too.

| Vireo Ridge "neighbor" | Vireo Ridge "ideas" | Babysitter | Empire Zoysia lawn | High Energy Diet | Quotation Collection |

PageDn all the way for a MAP AND DIRECTIONS to Vireo Ridge in FishHawk Ranch
You can Email this web-page link ê on the next line to whoever you'd like to direct to Vireo Ridge…
Click for Tampa, Florida Forecast on this link ê for your personalized, detailed & hourly Sports Weather Report
After 18 holes you'll be swinging this smooth

God Bless

Recently I discussed the idea of this web-page with John (Tammy's husband) who has a vast knowledge in security.  He thought it to be a good idea - as does every other Vireo Ridge resident I've spoken to or those who've Emailed me.
The main purpose of this web-page is to have an 'easy to access' & 'easy to update'
central information database for the residents of Vireo Ridge to get to know and contact each other.
A second reason is that it provides a means for security and community bulk Emails (
no junk or spam) to immediately be sent to everyone - residents sharing pertinent information with all the other residents...
Example: If any resident has something suspicious to report for the rest of us to look out for, just è Email it in, and I will immediately forward it to the Vireo Ridge bulk Email list - in this way we can all be watching out for one another all the time and instantly reach all owners in our sub-division (something we hope never happens - but it's always good to be prepared).
GUARANTEE: Everyone's
privacy will be fully respected and personal details immediately added or REMOVED from this web-page and/or the bulk Email list upon request.  Personal information will never be given out to anyone or used for any other purpose.
Those who wish to participate must please è Email (or call - 813.654.7520) their names and details in, to be added to the names list below - PageDn...
DO YOU HATE SPAM (JUNK EMAIL)? Click on this Vireo Ridge residents è ideas web-page and read item #6, which explains how to get rid of 99% of all spam in 5 minutes without paying 1c or changing your Email address - and it's so easy!

Thirdly, if you have a community notice you'd like to share, è Email it in and I'll post it on our
Vireo Ridge Community Notice Board below to keep the residents of our sub-division informed - thank you!

Web-site link to è Osprey Observer - your community newspaper

Ø Ø   Pre-Paid Legal gives all North Americans the opportunity of equal access to our legal system   × ×

· Quality Lawn Maintenance - Ockert 'Okey' Olivier - 813.856.0227 H   813.5050.391 Cell

Should any spelling or details in the NAMES LIST BELOW be incorrect, please è Email (or call - 654.7520) in the correct information.
Residents can personally Email each other by clicking on an Email link below (individual Emails are linked to the first name of the family member)...
LOT # - ADDRESS - NAMES (including children) - TELEPHONE - EMAIL - CELL EMAIL (if any) - WEB-SITE (if any)
1  -  6107 Vireoridge Dv - Name - Tel - Email
2  -  6109 Vireoridge Dv - DJ - Tel - Email
3  -  6113 Vireoridge Dv - Steve & Audrey Cohn - 654.6253 H  727.510.9203 C - Email
4  -  6115 Vireoridge Dv - Howard Cloke - Tel - Email
5  -  6117 Vireoridge Dv - Name - Tel - Email
6  -  6119 Vireoridge Dv - Name - Tel - Email
7  -  6121 Vireoridge Dv - Name - Tel - Email
8  -  6123 Vireoridge Dv - Name - Tel - Email
9  -  6125 Vireoridge Dv - Name - Tel - Email
10 - 6127 Vireoridge Dv - Name - Tel - Email
11 - 6131 Vireoridge Dv - Perla & Del Gonzalez - Tel - Email
12 - 6133 Vireoridge Dv - Doug - Tel - Email
13 - 6132 Vireoridge Dv - John & Tammy Ryan - 643.3133 H - Email
14 - 6130 Vireoridge Dv - Ron, Sherry, Benjamin & Sarah Leybovich - 643.9288 H - Email - Web-site - 703.930.6296 C Ron  703.930.6284 C Sherry
15 - 6128 Vireoridge Dv - Name - Tel - Email
16 - 6124 Vireoridge Dv - Name - Tel - Email
17 - 6120 Vireoridge Dv - Clay & Chris - Tel - Email
18 - 6118 Vireoridge Dv - Name - Tel - Email
19 - 6116 Vireoridge Dv - Wes & Kathleen - Tel - Email
20 - 6114 Vireoridge Dv - Sabal Homes Showhouse - Tel - Email
21 - 6112 Vireoridge Dv - Roberto, Isabel, Gabriela, Roberto Jr. & Cristina Bettaglio - 654.7545 - Email
22 - 15311 Vireoglen Ln - Name - Tel - Email
23 - 15313 Vireoglen Ln - Paul, Christina, Alyssa & Anthony Ugas - 662.3425 H  842.7228 C - Email
24 - 15317 Vireoglen Ln - Terry & Jan - Tel - Email
25 - 15319 Vireoglen Ln - PJ & Kea - Tel - Email
26 - 15321 Vireoglen Ln - Ricki & Diana - Tel - Email
27 - 15323 Vireoglen Ln - Russell, Charlotte, Brandon, Braxton & Cade Gerald - 685.3595 H
28 - 15324 Vireoglen Ln - Name - Tel - Email
29 - 15322 Vireoglen Ln - Smiley, Marlene, Mark & Debbie Papenfus - 813.600.3292 H - Web-sites: Smiley1, Smiley2, Mark, Debbie
30 - 15320 Vireoglen Ln - Joe & Debbie Brus - 657.0635 H - Email
31 - 15318 Vireoglen Ln - Hamilton & Linda - Tel - Email
32 - 15316 Vireoglen Ln - Migual - Tel - Email
33 - 15314 Vireoglen Ln - Matt & Sydney - Tel - Email
34 - 15312 Vireoglen Ln - Ockert & Ulrine Olivier - 684.6181 H - Email
35 - 15310 Vireoglen Ln - Thaddeus, Stephanie & Gabriel Siewert - 655.2670 H - 215.8070 C Thad - 468.1534 C Steph
36 - 15308 Vireoglen Ln - Linda - Tel - Email
37 - 15306 Vireoglen Ln - Vince, Kim & Taylor Aguayo - 653.9626 H - Email
38 - 15304 Vireoglen Ln - Hennie, Nita & Tanya Vermeulen - 654.9736 H - Email
39 - 15302 Vireoglen Ln - Steve, Karen, James, Allyssa & Erik Halverson - 681.7289 H

GREAT TIP: Hit F11 to instantly get a full screen to view web-pages - hit it again & you're back as you were - go ahead - try it!


All the above street addresses are in Lithia, FL, 33547

To print these directions, press 'Ctrl/P' & PRINT PAGE 3)…
· Take Gibsonton exit 250 off I-75 (10 miles S. of I-4).
· Go E. for 7 miles over 3 roads - 1st Gibsonton Drive for 1.3 miles, 2nd Boyette Road for 3½ miles & 3rd FishHawk Blvd for 2.3 miles - it's one straight road - no left or right turns).

· At light, RIGHT on Osprey Ridge Drive into 'FishHawkêRanch' - 1.3 miles S. around several twists & turns.
· RIGHT into 'Vireo Ridge' sub-division on VireoRidge Drive.
· First LEFT on VireoGlen Lane.
· The Papenfus home is the last house on the LHS (light beige), with the short EMPIRE Zoysia lawn.
+ 15322 VireoGlen Lane, Lithia, FL, 33547  -  ' 813.600.3292.

Shortest Directions from Orlando...
I-4 West towards Tampa.
· Take Park Road Exit 22 (through Plant City E. towards CR-39 - which is your road of destination).
· At light, LEFT on Park Road - Park Road becomes Jim Johnson Road - 3.3 miles S.
· RIGHT on E. Alexander Street towards CR-39 - 0.9 mile W.
· At light, LEFT on James L. Redman Pkwy (this is CR-39) - 2.6 miles S.
· At light, Cross SR-60 and continue on CR-39 - 6.5 miles S.
· At light, RIGHT on Lithia Pinecrest Road - 3.6 miles W. & then N.W.
· At light, LEFT on FishHawk Blvd - 2.2 miles W.
· At light, LEFT on Osprey Ridge Drive into 'FishHawkêRanch' - 1.3 miles S. around several twists & turns.
· RIGHT into 'Vireo Ridge' sub-division on VireoRidge Drive.
· First LEFT on VireoGlen Lane.
· The Papenfus home is the last house on the LHS (light beige), with the short EMPIRE Zoysia lawn.
+ 15322 VireoGlen Lane, Lithia, FL, 33547  -  ' 813.600.3292.