This web site has been visited times since June 5, 1997

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| HOME | Welcome | Download | The Rev | H1 cgs | H2 abs | H3 fom | H4 pfd | H5 phs | H5a ghs | H6 hvg | H7 psr |
| H7a prh | H8 mmf | H9 kfs | H10 ksl | H11 dhk | H12 ppw | H13 ady | H14 cmf | H15 jbc | H16 cta | H17 mbc | H18 slt |
| Product | Sowing | Through the Bible/365 | Bible Study & Ministry Aids | Itinerary | Hot Links | Freeware | www | SAfrica |
Hello!  My name is Rev. Smileyé.  Allow me to introduce myself to you.  Click on "The Rev" link above.

| H18-Home slt | H18a bps | H18b clt | H18c uym | H18d mbm | H18e ddt | H18f ccl | H18g mtw | H18h wlt | H18i ylt |

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Add100steps.wri - The A-Z starting steps to launch this ministry in your church.
10Questions.wri - Answers to 10 good questions asked by a Pastor after studying the 'Add100' lecture notes.
For those who have access to Microsoft Publisher 98 or higher, you can download the file to neatly print the above table in full size.  You'll also need to download, unzip and install the 7 Fonts whose link is found on the Freeware web-page of this web-site - specifically "Universal" font, if you don't already have it installed.

Page Under Construction

These lessons still need to be converted from a preaching to a neater lecture format.
In the meantime, you can download these notes in their current format - click on this è link to download this course.
Keep watching our Notice Board on our Home Page for updates.
Thank you for your patience.

Click 'Back ï Button' to go back to previous page 'Home-Page' or 'Various Leadership Courses' ~

| H18-Home slt | H18a bps | H18b clt | H18c uym | H18d mbm | H18e ddt | H18f ccl | H18g mtw | H18h wlt | H18i ylt |

| HOME | Welcome | Download | The Rev | H1 cgs | H2 abs | H3 fom | H4 pfd | H5 phs | H5a ghs | H6 hvg | H7 psr |
| H7a prh | H8 mmf | H9 kfs | H10 ksl | H11 dhk | H12 ppw | H13 ady | H14 cmf | H15 jbc | H16 cta | H17 mbc | H18 slt |
| Product | Sowing | Through the Bible/365 | Bible Study & Ministry Aids | Itinerary | Hot Links | Freeware | www | SAfrica |

End of Hole 18b

First download and install WinZip95 off this web-site (other versions of WinZip are also available on the internet).
Then download H18b clt into C:\  (your 'Root Folder') and 'Extract' the files.
The correct path...  C:\Laymans\18leader.shp\2home.cel  ...will automatically be created.
If you need help with the above click on Download for detailed instructions.