Exo 3:14 (NAS) And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM"; and He said, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to (DELIVER) YOU.'" John 8:58 (NAS) Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am." Rev 1:8 (NAS) "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." Heb 13:8 (NAS) Jesus Christ {is} the same yesterday and today, {yes} and forever. Rom 4:17 (NAS) As Abraham did, we are also to be like ...God, who...calls into being that which does not exist (OR calls the things that do not exist as existing).
Therefore, I boldly confess 'I am' everything that JESUS, my great 'I AM', says that 'I am'... 1. I AM a winner - 2 Cor 2:14 2. I am a prolific person - 2 Cor 3:4-6 3. I am unique and special - 1 Pet 2:9 4. My life has purpose - Eph 2:10 5. As a person, I'm successful - Psa 1:1-3 6. I am strong and able - Psa 27:1 (KJV) 7. I am sufficient for every task - Phil 4:13 (Amp) 8. I overcome every obstacle - John 16:33 9. I am more than a conqueror - Rom 8:37 10. I have divine protection - Isa 54:17 11. I am secure and confident - Prov 3:24-26 12. Under trial, I will prevail - 1 Cor 10:13 13. My endeavors shall prosper - 1 Kings 2:2-3 14. I am well supplied - Psa 34:9-10 15. Health and prosperity are mine - 3 John 2 16. I am a joyous giver - 2 Cor 9:6-11 17. I live in abundance - Phil 4:19 18. I am endowed with supernatural favor - Psa 5:12 19. I am well and healthy - Matt 8:16-17 20. My thoughts are fixed on the Word of God - Phil 4:6-9 21. I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me - Phil 4:13 22. My faith is strongly working - Heb 4:14 23. I am filled with God's peace - Phil 4:7 24. I am dead to sin, and alive to Christ - Rom 6:11 25. I am a totally new person - 2 Cor 5:17 26. I rejoice in the Lord always - Phil 4:4 27. The JOY of the Lord is my strength - Neh 8:10 28. His truth has set me free - John 8:32 29. His blessings cannot be revoked (withdrawn, cancelled) - Num 23:19-20 30. Jesus, my blood covenant partner is effecting this testimony in my life TODAY - Rev 12:11
He is my great I AM today and everyday - He's El Shaddai, the God who is more than enough. Thank God He's not the great I WAS or the great I WILL BE, but the great I AM. He's my Savior, Healer, Deliverer and Provider - TODAY! I love and worship You my Lord Jesus. I bless Your holy Name! Amen!
Heb 11:9-10 By faith Abraham lived as an ALIEN in the land of promise...for he was looking for the city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God. Active faith in God's Word is our 'Alien Passport' that translates us from this world of failure into His Kingdom of Victory.