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50 Wisdom Scriptures for Businessmen ~ ~ Pre-Paid Legal

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These lessons still need to be converted from a preaching to a neater lecture format.
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by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

1.   Marry the right person.  This one decision will determine 90% of your success or misery.
Work at something you enjoy and that's worthy of your time and talent.
3.   Give people
more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
4.   Become the
most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
5.   Be
forgiving of yourself and others.
6.   Be
7.   Have a
grateful heart.
Persistence, Persistence, Persistence.
9.   Discipline yourself to
save money, even on the most modest salary.
Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
11. Commit yourself to
constant improvement.
12. Commit yourself to
13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on
relationships with people you love and respect.
14. Be
15. Be
16. Be a
17. Be
decisive, even if it means you'll sometimes be wrong.
18. Stop blaming others. 
Take responsibility for every area of your life.
19. Be
bold and courageous.  When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
20. Take good care of
those you love.
21. Don't do anything that wouldn't make your
mom proud.

You'll be a richer person for taking the time to read and practice this.

Life isn't about keeping score.
It's not about how many friends you have
Or how accepted you are.
Not about if you have plans this weekend or if you're alone.
It isn't about who you're dating, who you used to date, how many people you've dated, or if you haven't been with
anyone at all.
It isn't about who you have kissed,
It's not about sex.
It isn't about who your family is or how much money they have
Or what kind of car you drive.
Or where you are sent to school.
It's not about how beautiful or ugly you are.
Or what clothes you wear, what shoes you have on, or what kind of music you listen to.
It's not about if your hair is blonde, red, black, or brown
Or if your skin is too light or too dark.
Not about what grades you get, how smart you are, how smart everybody else thinks you are, or how smart
standardized tests say you are.
It's not about what clubs you're in or how good you are at "your" sport.
It's not about representing your whole being on a piece of paper and seeing who will "accept the written you."

BUT, LIFE IS about who you love and who you hurt.
It's about who you make happy or unhappy purposefully.
It's about keeping or betraying trust.
It's about friendship, used as a sanctity or a weapon.
It's about what you say and mean, maybe hurtful, maybe heartening.
About starting rumors and contributing to petty gossip.
It's about what judgments you pass and why; and who your judgments are spread to.
It's about who you've ignored with full control and intention.
It's about jealousy, fear, ignorance, and revenge.
It's about carrying inner hate and love, letting it grow, and spreading it.
But most of all, it's about using your life to touch or poison other people's hearts in such a way that could have
never occurred alone.
Only you choose the way those hearts are affected, and those choices are what life's all about.

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