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Mark 16:15 Jesus said to
the whole world and preach

them, "Go throughout
the Gospel to all mankind."

PgDn for 'course description' | Concise Gospel Presentation | Laymans Tape Order Page |

Click on this è link to download this course.

Of every course on the Layman's School of Training, this is the most practical, the most challenging, and definitely the most life changing.  At one of our Church Pastors camps, Pastor Theo asked all of our 20 full-time Pastors to share for a few minutes on the reason for the success of their respective areas, so each could learn from the others strong points.  Every one, without exception, listed Fishers of Men as the # 1 reason for the growth of their areas, and the direct reason for the strong committed quality of leaders they had.  I have no doubt that this course, properly run, will do the same for you.  Not everyone will stay in this program as a Fishers of Men Trainer/Evangelist, but the training they receive will be invaluable to whatever future calling or ministry the Lord directs them into.
One mousy Christian lady told me she was only doing this course to earn her credits towards graduating from the Layman's School of Training.  She said she could never be a Fishers of Men Trainer as she did not have the courage to talk to strangers about their personal salvation.  I said she was welcome to come on the course on those conditions, knowing in my heart the transformation that was about to take place in her life - as had happened to so many of our previous committed students.  On completion of the course this mousy lady had transformed into a soft spoken courageous lion.  On her own she started witnessing in hospitals and old age homes.  She led so many souls to Christ in one old age home that she asked permission to teach Hole 1 to all her converts.  On completion of Hole 1, she proceeded to teach them Hole 2 as well.  Not bad for someone who was to scared to say boo to a bird.
The goal is to run Fishers of Men in conjunction with a good Discipleship program, like the 'Add100' Cell Structure - having a Fishers of Men Trainer for every 2 Home Cells - filling them with new converts.  From my experience this is the perfect Biblical Evangelism/Discipleship model, which WILL be the direct cause for church growth.

1. Training Laymen for Evangelism ~ Purpose:-
To understand the importance of the great Commission of Jesus Christ.
Realizing that these principles of evangelism will work in every church that will work the principals.
To jar Christians into the realization of the vastness and importance of the job on hand.
To show Pastors their responsibility to train their Laymen to do the work of the ministry.
To show Christians how to overcome the fear of witnessing.

2. Persuading Men to be Saved ~ Purpose:-
To understand the difference between God's part and man's part in witnessing.
To understand the important part man plays in reaching souls for Christ.
To understand the five great laws of persuasion, and how Jesus used them.
To understand how to naturally introduce the Gospel Presentation into a conversation.
To understand how to discover the spiritual condition of a candidate without offending him.

3. The Introduction ~ Purpose:-
To understand how to create the right atmosphere in which to present the Gospel.
To discover their church background and tailor your Gospel presentation accordingly.
To discover what they thought of your church and how to change a negative view to a positive one.
To accurately diagnose their spiritual need from their answers to the 2 Diagnostic Questions.

4. Personal Testimony ~ Purpose:-
To understand the importance of a personal testimony.
To understand every Christian has a powerful testimony that needs to be developed.
To write out, test, fine tune and know your personal testimony, ready to be used at the drop of a hat.

5. The Gospel - Grace, Man and God ~ Purpose:-
To learn how to communicate the Gospel effectively.
To understand Grace.
To learn how to tell your prospect he is a sinner without upsetting him.
To understand the twofold nature of God - He's loving to forgive, but also just and righteous to punish sin.

6. The Gospel - Christ and Faith ~ Purpose:-
To understand who Christ is.
To understand what Christ did for us.
To understand the power of "Illustrations" in communicating the Gospel effectively.
To understand the three elements to saving faith.
To understand what Eternal Life is.

7. The Commitment ~ Purpose:-
To understand when a candidate is "Ready" to make a genuine commitment from his heart.
To know how lead a candidate into the Sinners Prayer without frightening him off.
To know how to give "Assurance of Salvation" to your candidate.

8. Immediate and First Week Discipleship ~ Purpose:-
To understand the pre-requisites for effective Discipleship.
To understand what a healthy church is - one in which New Converts will naturally grow spiritually.
For the Fishers of Men trainer to clearly understand his role in the beginning of the discipling of the new convert.
For the local church to understand its role in the beginning of the discipling of the new convert.
To understand how to effectively disciple your new convert in that crucial first week after his salvation.

9. Handling Objections ~ Purpose:-
To understand how to overcome objections in presenting the gospel.  This gives the new trainees tremendous confidence to boldly communicate their faith.

10. Questionaire Evangelism
The Fishers of Men program is an outstanding follow up program for all your new converts and church visitors.  However, there are times your prospects are out, and that's when "Questionaire Evangelism" is used.
To have a simple, quick, no pressure means of knocking on doors, or meeting strangers at a mall or wherever, and by asking 5 friendly questions, being able ascertain whether your candidate is open and ready to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  This saves the evangelism team from ever having to ever cast pearls before swine.

11. Enlistment for Enlargement ~ Purpose:-
To strongly encourage and motivate new trainees to become Fishers of Men trainers on the next course, even if they do it only once - also to enlist their peers to do the next Fishers of Men course.

12. Answering the Call ~ Purpose:-
To convince fence sitter trainees to take the plunge and become Fishers of Men trainers on the next course.

Concise Gospel Presentation | Laymans Tape Order Page |

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| H7a prh | H8 mmf | H9 kfs | H10 ksl | H11 dhk | H12 ppw | H13 ady | H14 cmf | H15 jbc | H16 cta | H17 mbc | H18 slt |
| Product | Sowing | Through the Bible/365 | Bible Study & Ministry Aids | Itinerary | Hot Links | Freeware | www | SAfrica |

End of Hole 3