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v)  The MAN says after the Minister:
I call upon these persons here present to witness that I,
A.B. ........................................, do take thee, C.D. .................................................., to be my lawfully wedded wife.
I accept you as a precious gift from God.  I will love you and be one with you, as Jesus is one with the Father, so that the unity of our marriage may glorify God, and draw others to Him.
I recognize my responsibility as head of the home, even as Christ is the head of the church, and gave Himself for it.
I shall endeavor always to be united in spirit, courteous, tenderhearted and humble-minded towards you.
I shall never let the sun go down on our anger, and I shall pursue and go after a peaceful relationship with God and with you.  I shall never return evil for evil, or insult for insult, but on the contrary blessing, praying, protecting and providing for you.
According to God's word we shall enjoy divine health, peace and prosperity, and live together in harmony as we live in obedience to God.  As bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, I promise to be truthful, faithful, loyal and committed to you, and to that I make my pledge.
vi)  The WOMAN says after the Minister:
I call upon these persons here present to witness that I
C.D. ..............................................., do take thee, A.B. .................................................., to be my lawfully wedded husband.
I accept you as a precious gift from God.  I will love you and be one with you as Jesus is one with the Father, so that the unity of our marriage may glorify God, and draw others to Him.
I shall be submissive and adapt myself to you as a service unto the Lord, even as the church is subject to Christ.
I shall always respect you, notice you, regard you, honor you, prefer you, and esteem you.  I shall praise, love and admire you.
I choose to follow your guidance, and acknowledge your leadership over me.
I shall never let the sun go down on our anger, and I shall pursue and go after a peaceful relationship with God and with you.
According to God's word we shall enjoy divine health, peace and prosperity and live together in harmony as we live in obedience to God.  As bone of your bones and flesh of your flesh, I promise never to leave or forsake you, and to that I make my pledge.
(The couple release hands).

7.  The giving of RINGS.

May I have the rings please.
These rings are made of PRECIOUS metal; so let your
love for one another be the most precious possession of your hearts.  Guard it with your prayers; protect it with your faith.
These rings are also an UNBROKEN circle; so let your
love for the other be unbroken through all your earthly days.
Let these rings continually remind you of the
lifelong commitment you have made to each other today.
i)  The MINISTER says to the Man:
Take this ring, hold it halfway on her finger, and say this to her:
The MAN says after the Minister:
With this ring, I thee wed.  I choose to place this ring on your finger as a symbol of a lifelong covenant between God and myself, to demonstrate and hold fast my love and unity with you.  I promise to be your loving and faithful husband, in Jesus name.
ii)  The MINISTER says to the Woman:
Take this ring, hold it halfway on his finger, and say this to him:
The WOMAN says after the Minister:
With this ring, I thee wed. I choose to place this ring on your finger as a symbol of a life-long covenant between God and myself, to demonstrate and hold fast my love and unity with you.  I promise to be your loving and faithful wife, in Jesus name.
JOKE: Marriage is a three ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering.

8.  The Closing PRAYER of Blessing on the Union.
The MINISTER to lay hands on the couple as he prays for them to be joined spiritually as one (and to impart the blessing of God).  (E.g. That the power of the Holy Spirit would be released to act on their vows and join them as one.  That Your joy may be in them, and their joy may be full.  Strengthen them in every time of trouble.  That they may carry each others' burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ.  Let Your blessing be on their home.  Also quote portions of Deut 28:1-14 as you pray).

9.  The SIGNING of the Register.
(The TWO WITNESSES to come forward with the Couple).
song item should be sung while this is being done, or a cassette tape could be played).
(The Bride is to Sign in her
Maiden name for the last time - preferably in black).

10.  The PRONOUNCEMENT of the Marriage.
(The Couple to resume their position in front of the pulpit).
The MINISTER says to the couple:
Join your right hands please.
A.B. ......................................, and C.D. ..................................................., have made their covenant before God and this company; they have made their vows to each other, and have shown their consent by joining their hands and by giving and receiving of rings.
By the authority invested in me as a servant of Jesus Christ before Almighty God, I pronounce them to be one; joined together as husband and wife, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Those whom God has joined together let no man put asunder.
I declare them here spiritually and lawfully married.
The MINISTER says to the Man:
You may kiss the Bride.
(The GROOM lifts and folds back the Bride's veil).

11.  The Serving of COMMUNION.
It is important that in these first moments together as husband and wife you honor the Lord, honor His table.  Jesus said, "This is my body, broken for you.  Eat of it.  Do this in remembrance of Me."
Pray and give BREAD to the Couple.
Jesus also said, "This is My blood that ratifies
(authorizes, validates) the new covenant.  Drink of it, and as often as you do, do it in remembrance of Me."
Pray and give the CUP to the Couple.

12.  The Benediction and PRESENTATION to the Congregation.
(The Couple to stand facing the congregation).
Will the CONGREGATION please rise for the Benediction?
The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.  Amen. 
(Num 6:24-26).
Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever.  Amen.  (Jude 24-25).
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs A.B. ..........................................
(Congregation to clap).
(The Bridal Couple to stand well away from the church door, so that the wind does not blow any
confetti into the church).

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